Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Alma and two of her daughters, granddaughter and one of her nieces Claudia. Picture taken when she took a trip to see her family in Texas summer of 2016.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Picture I took of Moma Snell at her house in July before we went to breakfast on her birthday. Every year we always went or had breakfast together.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
This picture was taken at Moma Snell house on Leisure Lane. One of my favorite pictures of her and me. My brother Warren and I was over visiting her.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
This is a picture of Moma Snell and me taken in her driveway. I had drove down from Detroit, Michigan to visit her when she was living in her house on Hopkins Street in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This picture was taken aprox 1985.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
This is a picture of Alma and my father Warren Dungey Sr. looks like they were going out to the club to dance. They both liked to dance. They fell in love and started dating in 1972 and that is when I meet her. Within, that next year I fell in love with her and she became my Moma Snell.

Alma made this dress herself.

May 9, 2018

Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Picture my friend Kirk took of me, my brother Warren, my daughter Shelly and Moma Snell as I call her. We were celebrating our Christmas dinner this day. Afterwards we played cards. She liked to play spades.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Picture of Alma with seven of her children and the children father Wiggins Snell Sr. on the right. Fun time on Virginia Street in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her daughter Barbara was visiting from Texas.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Picture of Alma children, sister Martha on right and nieces, and nephews. Fun times in the summer time in the yard and driveway at Aunt Martha house.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
Another picture taken the same day with Alma and her family. Melissa Snell, Wallace Taylor and one granddaughter DaNikka Snell in this picture.
Wanda Dungey Thurmond
This picture was taken at Alma's sister house (Martha) in Kalamazoo at a family picnic when her siblings were her from Texas. Odell, Alma Marie, Wanda, George, Curtis, Phyllis. Six of Alma children.
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